Day 3:
Just a quick update since I don't have a whole lot to say yet. I was still unable to finish a full gallon. But I am consistently doing 90 oz. I feel good about that. I do notice I am sleeping better, more soundly, then I had been. I don't feel so "blah" and I haven't had a headache. I tend to get headaches every couple days depending on my caffeine intake. But so far so good.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
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Gallon Water Challenge Day 2
Day 2:
So, I realized I didn't really think the timing of these posts completely through. I blog during the day while my girls are napping and having downtime. Therefore, I will only be partly through the day I am blogging on. My apologies. Please excuse this pregnant mom's frazzled brain.
Good news to report though! I did not, repeat, did NOT deal with RLS or Charley horses in my legs yesterday! I'm still in shock. Bad news, I didn't get in a full gallon. I managed to drink right around 90 oz. More then I've ever drank in one day for sure! So, I still feel good about what I did do.
Today however is not going as well as yesterday. I haven't even finished my first 32 oz cup. By this time yesterday I was already on my second cup. I'd like to blame it on the fact that I woke up absolutely physically exhausted. But, I can't. I just kept putting off filling my cup up and getting started. I'm pushing through to get caught backup. Surprisingly, I am not running to the bathroom constantly like I feared I would. Maybe because I already go more then normal right now? Either way, I'm grateful. I was afraid I'd never get to leave the bathroom.
Speaking of bathrooms, I better hurry off and get mine cleaned while I can.
Hope to see you back here soon!
Monday, July 28, 2014
My Gallon Water Challenge
Day 1:
Some of you may have seen posts on your Facebook about people about taking the gallon water challenge. No, I wasn't challenged, but after this weekend I decided it could be the best thing for my pregnant body right now. I've been dealing with RLS and Charley horses like clock work every night. I can almost pinpoint the time they're going to start. I have been taking a 250 mg supplement of magnesium for 2 weeks now, and I still get them. Don't get me wrong the supplement does help. I would just rather it not start at all. Now remember, every is different. I know there are other deficiencies that are suppose to be linked to the symptoms I'm having. BUT! I know my body and I know I do not drink nearly enough water (I don't like water to be honest). You can't argue with all these potential benefits though!
Water, water and more water. This is the main thing I come across when reading fit mommy blogs or just healthy natural blogs. So I've decided to jump on board. It is so easy to read about all the benefits of water, but it takes a whole lot more to apply it to your daily routine. My challenge to myself is to drink a gallon of water, everyday, for 30 days.
My intention in writing this is to document how I feel each day and hopefuly keep myself motivated. Maybe I'll even motivate others along the way too. So, if you're curious, stop back every day to see how I'm doing and feeling with this challenge. IF you're interested in doing this but just seem overwhelmed by a gallon try starting small and build up. It's recommended to drink half your body weight in ounces daily (140 lbs./ 2 = 70 oz.)
Have any of you done this challenge? Did you notice any differences?
Hope to see you back here soon!
Friday, July 25, 2014
Processed Food & My Pregnancy
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Photo Credit |
If you haven't read about the effects of processed food on your body you probably live under a rock. The whole food movement is gaining popularity everywhere. If you haven't seen the how cutting the processed food can change your body you definitely need to check out this amazing blogger's journey: Daily Dose of Del Signore.
Processed food is food that is not found in nature and usually contains additives, artificial flavorings and other chemical ingredients. An easy way to determine if food is processed is to just read the ingredients. The longer the list the more processed it is.
I started cutting the processed food out after reading the blog I linked you to above. This was before I started trying to get pregnant. I lost 10 lbs. in just one month by just changing what food I ate, drinking more water, and doing Zumba for 20 minutes three times a week. I can't afford organic or the 45 minute drive to even find it. So it was just more fruits and vegetables, hormone-free milk and meat, and less sugar. My biggest success with all that was the loss of 4 inches around my bust. That is the one place I need to lose and that I struggle the most with.
Then I quickly got pregnant. I am currently 26 weeks along and I have only gained 4 lbs. (Yes, I am under an OB's care and he is not concerned. He is well aware of my changes and activity. So all doctor approved.) My body does not ache like it did with my others. Oh, and my breast did not balloon like i feared they would. I know every pregnancy is different. I just can't believe it's all just a coincidence.
I try to stick to a 80/20 clean diet. Like I said we don't exactly have the access or finance to buy organic. Plus, I have cravings. Now I don't binge on fast food or a box of cookies but I will eat a candy bar every so often. I still have a Pepsi every now and then. With that being said I will admit I feel like crap afterward. It's to the point I debate which is worse, the craving or the "yuck" afterward. I just thought giving into my craving every so often would keep me from binge eating. I'm starting to think the "yuck" feeling is strong enough to keep the urge from binge eating away.
So, this is my conclusion: IF you have thought about cutting the processed, I am here to tell you it can be done (on any budget). It is SO worth it! Feel free to contact me or comment with questions or suggestions.
Hope to see you back here soon!
Monday, July 21, 2014
Finding Contentment by Having Less "Stuff"
photo credit: <a href="">eflon</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
With my due date quickly approaching I have been struggling finding contentment in our 2 bedroom apartment. The main suggestion is "you just need to move into a house." Easy enough right? Ideally. Except, it is not an option at this time. So, I spent more time then needed thinking I would just be unhappy until we could buy a house. Then I came across this quote, "You'll never be content where you end up if you aren't content where you are." That really got me thinking about what is the real issue behind my unhappiness?
Hope to see you back here soon!
With my due date quickly approaching I have been struggling finding contentment in our 2 bedroom apartment. The main suggestion is "you just need to move into a house." Easy enough right? Ideally. Except, it is not an option at this time. So, I spent more time then needed thinking I would just be unhappy until we could buy a house. Then I came across this quote, "You'll never be content where you end up if you aren't content where you are." That really got me thinking about what is the real issue behind my unhappiness?
Here is what I've discovered:
- Not enough prayer and meditation on the Word.
- Not keeping my focus Heavenly has caused me to focus on material, and worldly things.
- The more "stuff" I acquire, the more clutter I can't tame.
- Clutter= Mess= Stress and Discontent
- I am trying to fill a void with stuff that only time with Jesus will fill.
- Lazy Bum Syndrome
- I love to organize, especially with binders. You wouldn't know it though if you walked into my apartment. I have half finished projects all over. Lately I've found myself in this pit of laziness and it is reflected in my home.
My Changes:
- Spend dedicated time praying and reading my Bible.
- If I don't make this the biggest priority of my day I will fall right back into my "stuff depression"
- I plan to start a journal and daily write in there what I am grateful for to help keep my focus.
- Budget Every Penny
- I have become a horrible impulsive buyer. So I'm creating a budget to account for every penny that comes in.
- Finish What I Start
- I love lists. So I have created a list of all the projects I need to finish. My goal is to finish one project I've started every day.
So, what are some things you think can help detach ourselves from the burden of stuff? What are ways you've found help "tame the clutter"?
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