Monday, July 28, 2014

My Gallon Water Challenge

Day 1:

   Some of you may have seen posts on your Facebook about people about taking the gallon water challenge.  No,  I wasn't challenged, but after this weekend I decided it could be the best thing for my pregnant body right now.  I've  been dealing with RLS and Charley horses like clock work every night.  I can almost pinpoint the time they're going to start.  I have been taking a 250 mg supplement of magnesium for 2 weeks now, and I still get them.  Don't get me wrong the supplement does help.  I would just rather it not start at all.  Now remember, every is different.  I know there are other deficiencies that are suppose to be linked to the symptoms I'm having.  BUT! I know my body and I know I do not drink nearly enough water (I don't like water to be honest).  You can't argue with all these potential benefits though!

Water, water and more water.  This is the main thing I come across when reading fit mommy blogs or just healthy natural blogs.  So I've decided to jump on board.  It is so easy to read about all the benefits of water, but it takes a whole lot more to apply it to your daily routine.  My challenge to myself is to drink a gallon of water, everyday, for 30 days.  

  My intention in writing this is to document how I feel each day and hopefuly keep myself motivated.  Maybe I'll even motivate others along the way too.  So, if you're curious, stop back every day to see how I'm doing and feeling with this challenge.  IF you're interested in doing this but just seem overwhelmed by a gallon try starting small and build up.  It's recommended to drink half your body weight in ounces daily    (140 lbs./ 2 = 70 oz.)
  Have any of you done this challenge?  Did you notice any differences?

  Hope to see you back here soon!

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