Monday, August 11, 2014

I Won't Vaccinate Anymore & Here's Why...

**Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor or certified in anything.  This is just simply my momma opinion and some things I believe to be facts.  In no way, shape or form am I telling you to make the same choices I am.  I have done extensive research, and would recommend you do the same before making any changes.  I know this is a highly disputed topic but I ask that any comments made be respectful of those who make different choices then you.  Thank you.

  My 4-year-old, fully vaccinated.  My 20 month old,  up to 6 months.  At the time I chose to be uninformed.  I took what I was told as truth.  Plus, I thought, from the way the nurses acted that vaccinating your child was the law.  I've come a long way since then.  I remember my little baby's leg swelling and being red-hot after her shots.  My oldest didn't react that way (that I remembered).  I never wanted to do that to her again.  So off to Google I went.  And I found out all that I could.  I mostly stuck to reading natural lifestyle blogs.   After reading how much money played into all this I no longer trusted some other sources, I felt they had a reason to be biased.  A fellow momma, I didn't believe would make money off going against the grain and telling me her opinions and views.  No affiliate money there to gain.  I was overwhelmed, and angry. I was angry because I felt like what I had just dug and pried to find for weeks should be common knowledge.  Money controls a lot more than we'd all like to admit.
  So, here it is.  I will not vaccinate anymore because I believe it is poison.  I think that vaccines are directly linked to the rise in Alzheimer's and ADHD.  There are studies showing the near elimination of SID in a foreign country when they outlawed vaccines until they age of two (seriously, just Google).  I don't believe in herd immunity, either.  Thankfully, here in Ohio, we can still use religious exemption.  Plus, I have the privilege of having a holistic physician here where I live if I'd ever need a medical exemption.  I've done so much research on this that I am 100% confident in what I've chosen to do for my family. I could link to 100 different things to reinforce my choices, but I won't. Everyone is different and that is OKAY!  Eventually I plan to do a post on the difference in my vaccinated child vs my vaccinated, so keep an eye for that one in the next year or so.
  If you have any questions feel free to email me or comment.

Hope to see you back here soon!

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