Yes, I have 2 daughters. I don't love them any less than my son. I don't want less for them. And until my son I thought I was doing the best I could for them. But they aren't boys. They won't marry a woman. And that is what made me realize I want to be better.
I heard it said that boys marry women like their mothers and girls marry men like their fathers. That made me think, am I the kind of woman I'd want my son to spend his life with? It was a hard reality, because I'm not. So now I will try harder to be better. It took having a son to see their is a better version of myself I want to strive for. There was nothing wrong with before, but now I've raised my standards. That means this:
-Making a choice to get dressed (and showered) everyday
-Welcome my husband home happily instead of dumping my problems on him
-Choosing to let them see me be goofy (nothing will help the years pass like laughter)
-Putting my husband's needs first
-Exercising and eating healthier
These things may seem vain or unimportant to some, but to me they are things I want my son to look for in a woman. Not that I'm looking for outer beauty. Getting dressed, showering, exercising and eating better makes me feel better about myself. And when I feel better, I am happy. Sadness is natural, and my kids will see me cry. But self-pity is destructive. I don't want that to be a trait my children think is normal. My goofy I tend to hide out of fear they may not see me as an authority. Why, I don't know. But I've realized that authority will not change by me being myself with them. Putting my husband first...I know not every one agrees your children should come last. I know, biblical, what is said and how much sense it makes to me for the order to be God, husband, children. I get that, but don't always model that. I need to. Not just for my son either.
Has having children changed the way you see yourself or your actions?
Monday, December 15, 2014
Why My Son Makes Me Want To Be Better
Monday, December 8, 2014
Part 3: My Mental Preparation For a C-Section
At my 36 week appointment my ob set my surgery for just a mere 8 days later. I had no birth plan (gasp!). I have 2 other kids at home and my nerves were already on edge about this new experience that was quickly approaching. I couldn't think straight long enough to create on. I knew in my head what I'd accept and what I was willing to put my foot down on.
Other than having trouble getting the bleeding to stop, my surgery went well. I had a beautiful 7 lb. 6 oz. healthy baby boy 3 weeks early. I took the pain medicine as instructed. After a year and a half of NO synthetic medication that sent my body all out of whack (more on that later). But I had no back-lash or fight over my refusal to vaccinate, I didn't even need to give them my informed refusal form. And they didn't make me sign any weird paper. I was very grateful for that. I didn't need a plan, they allowed me to do as I felt best. When I asked to give my new baby a bottle because my milk still hadn't set in, no comments were made. I was allowed to keep a paper that tracked everything so they didn't have to come in as often. Aside from the c-section recovery being so much harder than my vaginal births, it went very smooth.
I think this experience was God's way of reminding me I can't control it all. Before finding out vaginal birth wasn't an option I was dead-set on having things a certain way. And I would get mean if anyone said anything about being willing to give a little. I wouldn't hear of it. But I wouldn't trade this experience. I have a new-found respect for c-section mammas. I honestly don't think I would have had multiple children if I had a c-section first. That was so much harder recovery wise than my other two births were, in my opinion, but every one is different. So, just learn that not everything can be perfect, and not every one is out to ruin our experience. All that matters in the end is that you have a healthy outcome and beautiful baby no matter how that happens, just as long as it does happen.
Momma stories/tips,
Placenta Previa,
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Acetaminophen Dependency
Never thought I would reach a point where my body would become dependent on acetaminophen, but it has. I have been taking it every day for 2 months. I didn't think there was anything wrong with that. I had a c-section, and now I deal with a horrible toothache. I've started grinding my teeth at night that only adds to my toothache. Yes, I should just go to the dentist. But...I have 3 kids, no sitter, and the closest in network dentist is 30 miles away. Not an option right this moment.
I am not taking much a day. Not even a full pill. But I realized there was a problem when I tried not to take it and consistently got horrible headaches on those days. Sadly, all I'd initially found to counteract this was ibuprofen, which I can not take while breast-feeding. I finally had a breaking point today that made me realize I need to do something and I need to do it now. I started to feel a panic attack set in at the thought of taking away those pills. That is when I realized I need to detox my body from this and do it now.
So here is what I found. Large intakes of Vitamin C will counteract what the acetaminophen does in the liver. Rose hip has the highest amount of Vitamin C according to what I found researching. So tomorrow I plan to find a rose hip tea of some sort. I will post more on how I feel after about a week.
So here is what I found. Large intakes of Vitamin C will counteract what the acetaminophen does in the liver. Rose hip has the highest amount of Vitamin C according to what I found researching. So tomorrow I plan to find a rose hip tea of some sort. I will post more on how I feel after about a week.
Friday, November 7, 2014
I've Returned!!
It has been a while! A lot has happened since that last post. I did end up having a c-section on the 13th of last month (with out a plan- more on that later), and had a beautiful 7lb. 6oz. baby boy. I've been recovering and adjusting to life with a preschooler, toddler, and newborn. Most days I am exhausted and have no desire to do anything but veg out on Pinterest during my down time. But here I am, ready to get back to writing and finding my creative outlet. I plan to spend the weekend working on upcoming series and posts, kind of get a game plan to get going again. And with Christmas right around the corner I hope to get some good posts out before I take a mini break while my husband is off.
Hope to see you back here soon!!
Friday, September 5, 2014
The Things No One Talks About: Depression & Pregnancy
This is my 4 pregnancy. And with each one came different slumps. My first pregnancy wasn't really a bad pregnancy, I was just in an abusive relationship that made it an experience I didn't get to enjoy. My second up until 20 weeks, when I switched to the OB now that I love, every time we went to the doctor something was wrong with the baby. Then I tragic experience with my third and miscarried at 14 weeks. Now this one was going great until I was diagnosed with Placenta Previa. And now on top of figuring out light duty with two other kids at home under 5 I have SPD. No big deal. I'm a big girl and at least I have a healthy baby boy on the way. So why am I depressed? Hormones? Deficiency of some sort? Ungratefulness? It could probably be a combination of all that. But I feel so guilty. Aside from a few minor complications I am doing well and my baby boy is perfect. I know there are so many reasons to be thankful. But I've hit a slump. And I don't believe I'm the only one who gets like this. But no one talks about it. Why? Shame? Guilt? I'm 32 weeks along now and I'm ready for it to be over. Whats wrong with that? Whats wrong with saying "hey, this isn't enjoyable anymore?" The movements are no longer cute, they're painful because he is clearly out of room. I'm tired all the time but can't sleep good because I'm so uncomfortable and unable to breathe half the time. I suppose the lack of sleep could be contributing to my slump. But I am just over it. I know I still have 4-8 weeks left (depending on my cervix and placenta at my next ultrasound in 3 weeks). That seems so far away. And that makes me feel worse. I feel worse about the fact that no one talks about this slump. I know its more common than we all care to admit. But why? Is it because all we see are these picture perfect women who are glowing and "loving every minute" of their pregnancy? I call bologna. So here it is, my side of the third trimester. It's not all roses and champagne for everyone. There, I said it. Sometimes it sucks, and you just cry because you're just ready for it to be over. And if you've been there, you aren't alone. It DOES NOT mean you're a bad mom, or that you don't appreciate the gift of child-bearing. It just means you're human.
Hope to see you back here soon!
Momma stories/tips,
Placenta Previa,
Thursday, August 28, 2014
My Gallon Water Challenge Update
I haven't been keeping up on this mainly because I found doing it daily would be kind of boring after a while. So here how its going so far. I've not been doing as well as I had been. I'm still drinking more water then I normally would but not as much as I feel I should be. I feel the difference too! I've been dealing with headaches and RLS again. It's motivation to help me push it that is for sure. I hope to make this a lifestyle change and not just a temporary experiment. Once you really feel the difference in your body it makes it hard to justify not doing it. Have any of you switch to just drinking water? How'd you stick to it?
Hope to see you back here soon!
Monday, August 25, 2014
Part 2: My Mental Preparation For a C-Section
*NO affiliate links*
I apologize for the delay of this post. It definitely took me longer than I anticipated to gather the sources I wanted to share. Plus, I try not to blog on the weekends since that is about the only family time we really get when my husband isn't wore out from work. Moving on...
I love Pinterest! I was shocked at how many women had already blogged about a c-section with a birth plan. I found such good information and questions to jot down to ask if I find out I do have to have a c-section. Here is a link to a good list of things I may want to add to my plan along with questions I will want to ask about my doctor's and hospital's specific policies. Here is another sample birth plan that I will definitely be referring back to. I intended on adding a birth plan printable with this post, but decided not too. I have read multiple time that the more direct and to the point your plan is the more likely it is to be read and honored (to the best of their ability). So I will not be adding a printable. I will do a Part 3 to this if I am told I will have to have a c-section and will include in there my personal plan. If you do want something more in-depth or for natural birthing I have plenty of things on 3 of my pinterest boards Here.
OK, vaccine exemptions. They are different for every state so be sure to look up your states laws. I live in Ohio so we are allowed to file a religious, philosophical, or medical exemption. I will create a religious one to attach to my birth plan, and to turn into my pediatrician. Here is a very informative blog post I found very helpful. Here is a good article on herd immunity. I haven't found one that I feel good about so I will continue to look and probably just compile what I like from certain ones and make my own. Again, I will share this in Part 3. **I am not a doctor and this is my own personal opinion and option for MY family and children. I will not debate or defend my decision. If you want more information please research, there is plenty of information out there. Every one is entitled to their own opinion and to believe what they want. I will not allow any negativity toward anyone who makes different choices.**
As far as postpartum care I plan on using essential oils from the Young Living Premium Starter Kit I plan to buy in the next couple weeks (shown above are just the oils and what they can be used for. There is more included in this kit). I've also read a lot about belly bands/wraps for after delivery. They sure are pricey. I'm cheap. We plan on this being my last pregnancy so why would I want to spend $50-$80 on something I will only wear 6 weeks or at most a couple months? I can't justify that kind of expense. So, I came across a post about a mom who just used an ace bandage. Not really the whole corset effect, but it does provide the support I am looking for. AND it is much cheaper :)
Here is a printable hospital bag check list
I apologize for the delay of this post. It definitely took me longer than I anticipated to gather the sources I wanted to share. Plus, I try not to blog on the weekends since that is about the only family time we really get when my husband isn't wore out from work. Moving on...
I love Pinterest! I was shocked at how many women had already blogged about a c-section with a birth plan. I found such good information and questions to jot down to ask if I find out I do have to have a c-section. Here is a link to a good list of things I may want to add to my plan along with questions I will want to ask about my doctor's and hospital's specific policies. Here is another sample birth plan that I will definitely be referring back to. I intended on adding a birth plan printable with this post, but decided not too. I have read multiple time that the more direct and to the point your plan is the more likely it is to be read and honored (to the best of their ability). So I will not be adding a printable. I will do a Part 3 to this if I am told I will have to have a c-section and will include in there my personal plan. If you do want something more in-depth or for natural birthing I have plenty of things on 3 of my pinterest boards Here.
OK, vaccine exemptions. They are different for every state so be sure to look up your states laws. I live in Ohio so we are allowed to file a religious, philosophical, or medical exemption. I will create a religious one to attach to my birth plan, and to turn into my pediatrician. Here is a very informative blog post I found very helpful. Here is a good article on herd immunity. I haven't found one that I feel good about so I will continue to look and probably just compile what I like from certain ones and make my own. Again, I will share this in Part 3. **I am not a doctor and this is my own personal opinion and option for MY family and children. I will not debate or defend my decision. If you want more information please research, there is plenty of information out there. Every one is entitled to their own opinion and to believe what they want. I will not allow any negativity toward anyone who makes different choices.**
As far as postpartum care I plan on using essential oils from the Young Living Premium Starter Kit I plan to buy in the next couple weeks (shown above are just the oils and what they can be used for. There is more included in this kit). I've also read a lot about belly bands/wraps for after delivery. They sure are pricey. I'm cheap. We plan on this being my last pregnancy so why would I want to spend $50-$80 on something I will only wear 6 weeks or at most a couple months? I can't justify that kind of expense. So, I came across a post about a mom who just used an ace bandage. Not really the whole corset effect, but it does provide the support I am looking for. AND it is much cheaper :)
Here is a printable hospital bag check list
Hope to see you back here soon!
Momma stories/tips,
Placenta Previa,
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Part One: My Mental Preparation For A C-Section
I still have 5 weeks before I'll find out whether a c-section is absolute or not but I am starting my research now. Why? Because from what I've discovered already is most women with Placenta Previa don't deliver past 37 weeks as precaution. I will be 35 weeks when the ultrasound to determine my birthing fate is performed. So I want to prepare now since it is possible to go in to have the ultrasound and be scheduling my c-section for the next week. I want to have all my ducks in a row so I'm not overwhelmed if that is what happens.
So far here is my list of things I want to find more on:
- Birth Plans
- Vaccine exemptions
- Organic products for care
- Essential oils for care
- Belly wraps/girdles
It's all a little intimidating to me. Almost like having my first baby all over again. Foreign territory.
Have any of you had c-sections? Any thing specific you'd recommend or wish you'd done differently? Return Thursday for Part Two with (hopefully) a couple printable items.
So far here is my list of things I want to find more on:
- Birth Plans
- Vaccine exemptions
- Organic products for care
- Essential oils for care
- Belly wraps/girdles
It's all a little intimidating to me. Almost like having my first baby all over again. Foreign territory.
Have any of you had c-sections? Any thing specific you'd recommend or wish you'd done differently? Return Thursday for Part Two with (hopefully) a couple printable items.
**Hope to see you back here soon!**
Momma stories/tips,
Placenta Previa,
Saturday, August 16, 2014
(Partial) Placenta Previa?
At my 20 week ultrasound I was informed my placenta is sitting low and that I would be rechecked at 28 weeks to see if it has moved. I was reassured that 90% of the time the placenta will move up. This pregnancy must have been too easy because the little booger moved down. Yep, it is now covering most of my cervix. If you know anything about this condition I'm a stage 3. I didn't even know anything about this condition until after talking to my OB. Google is not comforting just to forewarn you. I should really not Google certain things.
So, with a placenta previa diagnosis comes restrictions. I haven't had any bleeding so I am only on low activity (thankfully) instead of bed rest. But that means basically everything I've read about how to prepare your body for labor will now be put on the back-burner until further notice. Even (most) yoga! I'll be rechecked at 34 weeks and we will make decisions from there. I haven't really found any information on what my chances are that it will move up at this point. I will see my OB every two weeks now so the more questions I have the sooner I can ask :) But just to fill you in I had no symptoms or any risk factors (other than multiple pregnancies obviously). I delivered my other two naturally so I guess this is just one of those things you can't have an answer to. Regardless of how crappy this condition is and can potentially be, my baby boy is healthy and ultimately that is what matters. Reading the forum of other women discussing this I know it could be worse. A lot of them were just aiming to reach 36 weeks because of bleeding issues. God bless you if you are/were one of those mommas. I couldn't imagine the stress.
Feel free to share your experience if you had this condition with a pregnancy. I would love to hear from you!
Momma stories/tips,
Placenta Previa,
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
A Marriage Based on Facts Not Emotion
We are emotional beings. It is both a beautiful and tragic thing. There are days I love my husband more than anything I ever imagined myself capable of. Then there are the days (especially during pregnancy) where I find myself thinking "why the heck do I stay for this". The truth is marriage is a covenant we make before God to love this, this person we only think we know. There is a reason traditional vows say "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health". Does anyone really soak in what you pledging? I know I certainly took it much too lightly. You should witness my husband with his 'man cold'. It'd make any blushing bride think twice ;) But in all honesty, that is why when it comes to marriage, we have to set our feelings aside simply because our feelings will change from minute to minute. The vows we took don't change however. So remember why you married that man, and remember marriage isn't to make us happy it's to glorify God. It is hard. I've wanted to walk away more times than I care to admit (I don't do confrontation well, I prefer to hide until the problem goes away). And if I let my emotions run our relationship, I wouldn't have one. I have to remember this thing called marriage is so much bigger than me, then us. Then I try to cling to what I KNOW, not what I feel. I know this man loves me, I know I made a lifetime promise to God to love and honor this man, I know that we have 3 beautiful babies who will look to us for how to build their relationships. And I do not want to continue the pattern of divorce. I want to be a light is this very dark world for them. So, if you're having a rough day, week, month, year with your spouse sit down and spend some time with Jesus. And then you can check out these great little things I've found to help me keep my focus.
Prayer Cards@TimeWarpWife
What blogs do you follow that have helped you in your marriage?
Hope to see you back here soon!
Monday, August 11, 2014
I Won't Vaccinate Anymore & Here's Why...
**Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or certified in anything. This is just simply my momma opinion and some things I believe to be facts. In no way, shape or form am I telling you to make the same choices I am. I have done extensive research, and would recommend you do the same before making any changes. I know this is a highly disputed topic but I ask that any comments made be respectful of those who make different choices then you. Thank you.
My 4-year-old, fully vaccinated. My 20 month old, up to 6 months. At the time I chose to be uninformed. I took what I was told as truth. Plus, I thought, from the way the nurses acted that vaccinating your child was the law. I've come a long way since then. I remember my little baby's leg swelling and being red-hot after her shots. My oldest didn't react that way (that I remembered). I never wanted to do that to her again. So off to Google I went. And I found out all that I could. I mostly stuck to reading natural lifestyle blogs. After reading how much money played into all this I no longer trusted some other sources, I felt they had a reason to be biased. A fellow momma, I didn't believe would make money off going against the grain and telling me her opinions and views. No affiliate money there to gain. I was overwhelmed, and angry. I was angry because I felt like what I had just dug and pried to find for weeks should be common knowledge. Money controls a lot more than we'd all like to admit.
So, here it is. I will not vaccinate anymore because I believe it is poison. I think that vaccines are directly linked to the rise in Alzheimer's and ADHD. There are studies showing the near elimination of SID in a foreign country when they outlawed vaccines until they age of two (seriously, just Google). I don't believe in herd immunity, either. Thankfully, here in Ohio, we can still use religious exemption. Plus, I have the privilege of having a holistic physician here where I live if I'd ever need a medical exemption. I've done so much research on this that I am 100% confident in what I've chosen to do for my family. I could link to 100 different things to reinforce my choices, but I won't. Everyone is different and that is OKAY! Eventually I plan to do a post on the difference in my vaccinated child vs my vaccinated, so keep an eye for that one in the next year or so.
If you have any questions feel free to email me or comment.
Hope to see you back here soon!
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
The Current Health Hype
We see it everyday. Pinterest, news, magazines, blogs, it is everywhere. I'm talking about the health hype. Every thing is a miracle according to articles. Don't get me wrong, I was one of those obsessed fools trying to soak up all I could from dear ole' Dr.Oz. And you know what, I wasn't any healthier, I was overwhelmed. So, I took a step back to breathe. And I decided, it is too much. Right now everything is a miracle herb or something along those lines. I say bologna. I do think the things that are being pushed right now do have some good benefits for our bodies. But what I don't think we take into account are those promoting these items are trying to make money (there are blogs I follow who I do trust their experience with certain things). So all I'm saying is to not get overwhelmed like I did. If you want to try something, do some research. Some of the best information I've found on different things, like fish oil for example, have come from all natural moms who give an account of how they've seen a difference in their children and themselves. I will take their information more to heart then anything I find on WebMD (I'm completely anti-pharmaceutical). They, or so I believe, have nothing to gain for sharing this information other then they are just like me and trying to get that information out there. Because much like most people at one point I chose to be uninformed and to just take what I was told by a doctor as absolute truths. I've come a long way since then. And here I am, sharing information in hopes to inform those who want to be or become informed.
All I'm trying to say is there is so much out there that is good for you, and a whole lot more that is bad. But just remember not everything will do all that some promise it to do. Also, everyone's body is different. What works for me may not work for you. That is all.
Have you had any issues with some of the current hype going around? Have you had any success trying something? I would love you hear from you on this!
Hope to see you back here soon!
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Gallon Water Challenge Day 3
Day 3:
Just a quick update since I don't have a whole lot to say yet. I was still unable to finish a full gallon. But I am consistently doing 90 oz. I feel good about that. I do notice I am sleeping better, more soundly, then I had been. I don't feel so "blah" and I haven't had a headache. I tend to get headaches every couple days depending on my caffeine intake. But so far so good.
Just a quick update since I don't have a whole lot to say yet. I was still unable to finish a full gallon. But I am consistently doing 90 oz. I feel good about that. I do notice I am sleeping better, more soundly, then I had been. I don't feel so "blah" and I haven't had a headache. I tend to get headaches every couple days depending on my caffeine intake. But so far so good.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
I'm on Bloglovin'
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
If you use Bloglovin' please follow me!
Gallon Water Challenge Day 2
Day 2:
So, I realized I didn't really think the timing of these posts completely through. I blog during the day while my girls are napping and having downtime. Therefore, I will only be partly through the day I am blogging on. My apologies. Please excuse this pregnant mom's frazzled brain.
Good news to report though! I did not, repeat, did NOT deal with RLS or Charley horses in my legs yesterday! I'm still in shock. Bad news, I didn't get in a full gallon. I managed to drink right around 90 oz. More then I've ever drank in one day for sure! So, I still feel good about what I did do.
Today however is not going as well as yesterday. I haven't even finished my first 32 oz cup. By this time yesterday I was already on my second cup. I'd like to blame it on the fact that I woke up absolutely physically exhausted. But, I can't. I just kept putting off filling my cup up and getting started. I'm pushing through to get caught backup. Surprisingly, I am not running to the bathroom constantly like I feared I would. Maybe because I already go more then normal right now? Either way, I'm grateful. I was afraid I'd never get to leave the bathroom.
Speaking of bathrooms, I better hurry off and get mine cleaned while I can.
Hope to see you back here soon!
Monday, July 28, 2014
My Gallon Water Challenge
Day 1:
Some of you may have seen posts on your Facebook about people about taking the gallon water challenge. No, I wasn't challenged, but after this weekend I decided it could be the best thing for my pregnant body right now. I've been dealing with RLS and Charley horses like clock work every night. I can almost pinpoint the time they're going to start. I have been taking a 250 mg supplement of magnesium for 2 weeks now, and I still get them. Don't get me wrong the supplement does help. I would just rather it not start at all. Now remember, every is different. I know there are other deficiencies that are suppose to be linked to the symptoms I'm having. BUT! I know my body and I know I do not drink nearly enough water (I don't like water to be honest). You can't argue with all these potential benefits though!
Water, water and more water. This is the main thing I come across when reading fit mommy blogs or just healthy natural blogs. So I've decided to jump on board. It is so easy to read about all the benefits of water, but it takes a whole lot more to apply it to your daily routine. My challenge to myself is to drink a gallon of water, everyday, for 30 days.
My intention in writing this is to document how I feel each day and hopefuly keep myself motivated. Maybe I'll even motivate others along the way too. So, if you're curious, stop back every day to see how I'm doing and feeling with this challenge. IF you're interested in doing this but just seem overwhelmed by a gallon try starting small and build up. It's recommended to drink half your body weight in ounces daily (140 lbs./ 2 = 70 oz.)
Have any of you done this challenge? Did you notice any differences?
Hope to see you back here soon!
Friday, July 25, 2014
Processed Food & My Pregnancy
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Photo Credit |
If you haven't read about the effects of processed food on your body you probably live under a rock. The whole food movement is gaining popularity everywhere. If you haven't seen the how cutting the processed food can change your body you definitely need to check out this amazing blogger's journey: Daily Dose of Del Signore.
Processed food is food that is not found in nature and usually contains additives, artificial flavorings and other chemical ingredients. An easy way to determine if food is processed is to just read the ingredients. The longer the list the more processed it is.
I started cutting the processed food out after reading the blog I linked you to above. This was before I started trying to get pregnant. I lost 10 lbs. in just one month by just changing what food I ate, drinking more water, and doing Zumba for 20 minutes three times a week. I can't afford organic or the 45 minute drive to even find it. So it was just more fruits and vegetables, hormone-free milk and meat, and less sugar. My biggest success with all that was the loss of 4 inches around my bust. That is the one place I need to lose and that I struggle the most with.
Then I quickly got pregnant. I am currently 26 weeks along and I have only gained 4 lbs. (Yes, I am under an OB's care and he is not concerned. He is well aware of my changes and activity. So all doctor approved.) My body does not ache like it did with my others. Oh, and my breast did not balloon like i feared they would. I know every pregnancy is different. I just can't believe it's all just a coincidence.
I try to stick to a 80/20 clean diet. Like I said we don't exactly have the access or finance to buy organic. Plus, I have cravings. Now I don't binge on fast food or a box of cookies but I will eat a candy bar every so often. I still have a Pepsi every now and then. With that being said I will admit I feel like crap afterward. It's to the point I debate which is worse, the craving or the "yuck" afterward. I just thought giving into my craving every so often would keep me from binge eating. I'm starting to think the "yuck" feeling is strong enough to keep the urge from binge eating away.
So, this is my conclusion: IF you have thought about cutting the processed, I am here to tell you it can be done (on any budget). It is SO worth it! Feel free to contact me or comment with questions or suggestions.
Hope to see you back here soon!
Monday, July 21, 2014
Finding Contentment by Having Less "Stuff"
photo credit: <a href="">eflon</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
With my due date quickly approaching I have been struggling finding contentment in our 2 bedroom apartment. The main suggestion is "you just need to move into a house." Easy enough right? Ideally. Except, it is not an option at this time. So, I spent more time then needed thinking I would just be unhappy until we could buy a house. Then I came across this quote, "You'll never be content where you end up if you aren't content where you are." That really got me thinking about what is the real issue behind my unhappiness?
Hope to see you back here soon!
With my due date quickly approaching I have been struggling finding contentment in our 2 bedroom apartment. The main suggestion is "you just need to move into a house." Easy enough right? Ideally. Except, it is not an option at this time. So, I spent more time then needed thinking I would just be unhappy until we could buy a house. Then I came across this quote, "You'll never be content where you end up if you aren't content where you are." That really got me thinking about what is the real issue behind my unhappiness?
Here is what I've discovered:
- Not enough prayer and meditation on the Word.
- Not keeping my focus Heavenly has caused me to focus on material, and worldly things.
- The more "stuff" I acquire, the more clutter I can't tame.
- Clutter= Mess= Stress and Discontent
- I am trying to fill a void with stuff that only time with Jesus will fill.
- Lazy Bum Syndrome
- I love to organize, especially with binders. You wouldn't know it though if you walked into my apartment. I have half finished projects all over. Lately I've found myself in this pit of laziness and it is reflected in my home.
My Changes:
- Spend dedicated time praying and reading my Bible.
- If I don't make this the biggest priority of my day I will fall right back into my "stuff depression"
- I plan to start a journal and daily write in there what I am grateful for to help keep my focus.
- Budget Every Penny
- I have become a horrible impulsive buyer. So I'm creating a budget to account for every penny that comes in.
- Finish What I Start
- I love lists. So I have created a list of all the projects I need to finish. My goal is to finish one project I've started every day.
So, what are some things you think can help detach ourselves from the burden of stuff? What are ways you've found help "tame the clutter"?
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