Thursday, August 28, 2014

My Gallon Water Challenge Update

I haven't been keeping up on this mainly because I found doing it daily would be kind of boring after a while.  So here how its going so far.  I've not been doing as well as I had been.  I'm still drinking more water then I normally would but not as much as I feel I should be.  I feel the difference too!  I've been dealing with headaches and RLS again.  It's motivation to help me push it that is for sure.  I hope to make this a lifestyle change and not just a temporary experiment.  Once you really feel the difference in your body it makes it hard to justify not doing it.  Have any of you switch to just drinking water?  How'd you stick to it?
  Hope to see you back here soon!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Part 2: My Mental Preparation For a C-Section

*NO affiliate links*
I apologize for the delay of this post.  It definitely took me longer than I anticipated to gather the sources I wanted to share.  Plus, I try not to blog on the weekends since that is about the only family time we really get when my husband isn't wore out from work.  Moving on...
  I love Pinterest!  I was shocked at how many women had already blogged about a c-section with a birth plan.  I found such good information and questions to jot down to ask if I find out I do have to have a c-section.  Here is a link to a good list of things I may want to add to my plan along with questions I will want to ask about my doctor's and hospital's specific policies.  Here is another sample birth plan that I will definitely be referring back to.  I intended on adding a birth plan printable with this post, but decided not too.  I have read multiple time that the more direct and to the point your plan is the more likely it is to be read and honored (to the best of their ability).  So I will not be adding a printable.  I will do a Part 3 to this if I am told I will have to have a c-section and will include in there my personal plan.  If you do want something more in-depth or for natural birthing I have plenty of things on 3 of my pinterest boards Here.

  OK, vaccine exemptions.  They are different for every state so be sure to look up your states laws.  I live in Ohio so we are allowed to file a religious, philosophical, or medical exemption.  I will create a religious one to attach to my birth plan, and to turn into my pediatrician.  Here is a very informative blog post I found very helpful.  Here is a good article on herd immunity.  I haven't found one that I feel good about so I will continue to look and probably just compile what I like from certain ones and make my own.  Again, I will share this in Part 3. **I am not a doctor and this is my own personal opinion and option for MY family and children.  I will not debate or defend my decision.  If you want more information please research, there is plenty of information out there.  Every one is entitled to their own opinion and to believe what they want.  I will not allow any negativity toward anyone who makes different choices.**

   As far as postpartum care I plan on using essential oils from the Young Living Premium Starter Kit I plan to buy in the next couple weeks (shown above are just the oils and what they can be used for.  There is more included in this kit).  I've also read a lot about belly bands/wraps for after delivery.  They sure are pricey.  I'm cheap.  We plan on this being my last pregnancy so why would I want to spend $50-$80 on something I will only wear 6 weeks or at most a couple months?  I can't justify that kind of expense.  So, I came across a post about a mom who just used an ace bandage.  Not really the whole corset effect, but it does provide the support I am looking for.  AND it is much cheaper :)
  Here is a printable hospital bag check list

Hope to see you back here soon!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Part One: My Mental Preparation For A C-Section

  I still have 5 weeks before I'll find out whether a c-section is absolute or not but I am starting my research now.  Why?  Because from what I've discovered already is most women with Placenta Previa don't deliver past 37 weeks as precaution.  I will be 35 weeks when the ultrasound to determine my birthing fate is performed.  So I want to prepare now since it is possible to go in to have the ultrasound and be scheduling my c-section for the next week.  I want to have all my ducks in a row so I'm not overwhelmed if that is what happens.
  So far here is my list of things I want to find more on:
- Birth Plans
- Vaccine exemptions
- Organic products for care
- Essential oils for care
- Belly wraps/girdles

  It's all a little intimidating to me.  Almost like having my first baby all over again.  Foreign territory.
Have any of you had c-sections?  Any thing specific you'd recommend or wish you'd done differently?  Return Thursday for Part Two with (hopefully) a couple printable items.
**Hope to see you back here soon!**


Saturday, August 16, 2014

(Partial) Placenta Previa?

At my 20 week ultrasound I was informed my placenta is sitting low and that I would be rechecked at 28 weeks to see if it has moved.  I was reassured that 90% of the time the placenta will move up.  This pregnancy must have been too easy because the little booger moved down.  Yep, it is now covering most of my cervix.  If you know anything about this condition I'm a stage 3.  I didn't even know anything about this condition until after talking to my OB.  Google is not comforting just to forewarn you.  I should really not Google certain things.
  So, with a placenta previa diagnosis comes restrictions.  I haven't had any bleeding so I am only on low activity (thankfully) instead of bed rest.  But that means basically everything I've read about how to prepare your body for labor will now be put on the back-burner until further notice.  Even (most) yoga!  I'll be rechecked at 34 weeks and we will make decisions from there.  I haven't really found any information on what my chances are that it will move up at this point.  I will see my OB every two weeks now so the more questions I have the sooner I can ask :)  But just to fill you in I had no symptoms or any risk factors (other than multiple pregnancies obviously). I delivered my other two naturally so I guess this is just one of those things you can't have an answer to.  Regardless of how crappy this condition is and can potentially be, my baby boy is healthy and ultimately that is what matters.  Reading the forum of other women discussing this I know it could be worse.  A lot of them were just aiming to reach 36 weeks because of bleeding issues.  God bless you if you are/were one of those mommas.  I couldn't imagine the stress.  
  Feel free to share your experience if you had this condition with a pregnancy.  I would love to hear from you!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Marriage Based on Facts Not Emotion

  We are emotional beings.  It is both a beautiful and tragic thing.  There are days I love my husband more than anything I ever imagined myself capable of.  Then there are the days (especially during pregnancy) where I find myself thinking "why the heck do I stay for this".  The truth is marriage is a covenant we make before God to love this, this person we only think we know.  There is a reason traditional vows say "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health".  Does anyone really soak in what you pledging?  I know I certainly took it much too lightly.  You should witness my husband with his 'man cold'.  It'd make any blushing bride think twice ;)   But in all honesty, that is why when it comes to marriage, we have to set our feelings aside simply because our feelings will change from minute to minute.  The vows we took don't change however.  So remember why you married that man, and remember marriage isn't to make us happy it's to glorify God.  It is hard.  I've wanted to walk away more times than I care to admit (I don't do confrontation well, I prefer to hide until the problem goes away).  And if I let my emotions run our relationship, I wouldn't have one.  I have to remember this thing called marriage is so much bigger than me, then us.  Then I try to cling to what I KNOW, not what I feel.  I know this man loves me, I know I made a lifetime promise to God to love and honor this man, I know that we have 3 beautiful babies who will look to us for how to build their relationships.  And I do not want to continue the pattern of divorce.  I want to be a light is this very dark world for them.  So, if you're having a rough day, week, month, year with your spouse sit down and spend some time with Jesus.  And then you can check out these great little things I've found to help me keep my focus.
Prayer Cards@TimeWarpWife

  What blogs do you follow that have helped you in your marriage?
Hope to see you back here soon!

Monday, August 11, 2014

I Won't Vaccinate Anymore & Here's Why...

**Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor or certified in anything.  This is just simply my momma opinion and some things I believe to be facts.  In no way, shape or form am I telling you to make the same choices I am.  I have done extensive research, and would recommend you do the same before making any changes.  I know this is a highly disputed topic but I ask that any comments made be respectful of those who make different choices then you.  Thank you.

  My 4-year-old, fully vaccinated.  My 20 month old,  up to 6 months.  At the time I chose to be uninformed.  I took what I was told as truth.  Plus, I thought, from the way the nurses acted that vaccinating your child was the law.  I've come a long way since then.  I remember my little baby's leg swelling and being red-hot after her shots.  My oldest didn't react that way (that I remembered).  I never wanted to do that to her again.  So off to Google I went.  And I found out all that I could.  I mostly stuck to reading natural lifestyle blogs.   After reading how much money played into all this I no longer trusted some other sources, I felt they had a reason to be biased.  A fellow momma, I didn't believe would make money off going against the grain and telling me her opinions and views.  No affiliate money there to gain.  I was overwhelmed, and angry. I was angry because I felt like what I had just dug and pried to find for weeks should be common knowledge.  Money controls a lot more than we'd all like to admit.
  So, here it is.  I will not vaccinate anymore because I believe it is poison.  I think that vaccines are directly linked to the rise in Alzheimer's and ADHD.  There are studies showing the near elimination of SID in a foreign country when they outlawed vaccines until they age of two (seriously, just Google).  I don't believe in herd immunity, either.  Thankfully, here in Ohio, we can still use religious exemption.  Plus, I have the privilege of having a holistic physician here where I live if I'd ever need a medical exemption.  I've done so much research on this that I am 100% confident in what I've chosen to do for my family. I could link to 100 different things to reinforce my choices, but I won't. Everyone is different and that is OKAY!  Eventually I plan to do a post on the difference in my vaccinated child vs my vaccinated, so keep an eye for that one in the next year or so.
  If you have any questions feel free to email me or comment.

Hope to see you back here soon!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Current Health Hype

  We see it everyday.  Pinterest, news, magazines, blogs, it is everywhere. I'm talking about the health hype.  Every thing is a miracle according to articles.  Don't get me wrong, I was one of those obsessed fools trying to soak up all I could from dear ole' Dr.Oz.  And you know what, I wasn't any healthier, I was overwhelmed.  So, I took a step back to breathe.  And I decided, it is too much.  Right now everything is a miracle herb or something along those lines.  I say bologna.  I do think the things that are being pushed right now do have some good benefits for our bodies.  But what I don't think we take into account are those promoting these items are trying to make money (there are blogs I follow who I do trust their experience with certain things).  So all I'm saying is to not get overwhelmed like I did.  If you want to try something, do some research.  Some of the best information I've found on different things, like fish oil for example, have come from all natural moms who give an account of how they've seen a difference in their children and themselves.  I will take their information more to heart then anything I find on WebMD (I'm completely anti-pharmaceutical).  They, or so I believe, have nothing to gain for sharing this information other then they are just like me and trying to get that information out there.   Because much like most people at one point I chose to be uninformed and to just take what I was told by a doctor as absolute truths.  I've come a long way since then.  And here I am, sharing information in hopes to inform those who want to be or become informed.
   All I'm trying to say is there is so much out there that is good for you, and a whole lot more that is bad.  But just remember not everything will do all that some promise it to do.  Also, everyone's body is different.  What works for me may not work for you.   That is all.
  Have you had any issues with some of the current hype going around?  Have you had any success trying something?  I would love you hear from you on this!

Hope to see you back here soon!